Why Not Wait, Inc is 501(c) 3 organization designed to teach, train and develop the next generation on the concepts for waiting and being Ready. Nothing in life is guaranteed to come quickly or when you want it to happen. You are going to have to wait at some point or another. The greatest lesson to learn is how to wait and how to get ready for the awaited. Why Not Wait and enjoy the wait.
Why Not Wait, Inc was founded in 2014 out of a need to teach the truths and concepts for dating. In a years time we doubled our class participation and started teaching online courses over a national radio station. In the years that followed Why Not Wait created a second pillar of learning to incorporate the concepts of Readiness.
Today Why Not Wait, Inc has mentored and taught thousands of youth and young adults through our persoanlized curriculums of leadership and waiting.
6 Elements of Change for Emerging Leaders
The 6 Elements of Change 8 week intensive boot camp is designed to challenge individuals on the personal, business and community level.
1. Reason for Change
2. Responsibility to change and the Response for change
3. Tolerances
4. Attitude and Health of Change
5. How to become an agent of change
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world” Mahatma Gandhi
P.O.W.E.R. 2 Choose
Designed to teach students the importance of proper decision making, the consequences of wrong decisions and how the decision (s) they make today may effect their direction in the future.
Concepts for the course:
The power of making progressive choices
How to have a positive mental attitude
How to trust what you know is right
Everything you choose to do or not to do is a chance that you have to be willing to take. Better to learn from your mistakes now instead of paying for them later.
“The wrong direction may appear foggy, put your eyes on the right direction and you will see clearly”
Why Not Wait
8 week course that enables tweens & teens to embark upon a personal inward journey. Concepts to be shared include:
1. Vision, Dreams, and Goal Setting
2. Perceptions vs Perspective
3. The KEYS to greater
4. Self Worth & Self Value
5. Purity vs Sex
6. The Treasure Inside
7. Relationships
Attendees will engage in hands on activities that will challenge their mental capabilities, the circles of people they engage in, and much more.
Service Learning Certificates available
Mentoring and Coaching may be new to your tween, tween or young adult. This opportunity is perfect for your young person to engage with someone who can help them focus on goals and direction.
30min, 45min & 60min Time is designed to meet the need of your tween, teen or young adult. During these sessions your tween, tween, or young adult will engage in conversation and activity to assist them in individual decision making and leadership.
Example of Mentoring or Coaching need..
-Transition time from Elem to Junior High, Junior High to High School, or High School to College.
-Obtaining First Job
-Preparing for a Leadership Role in School
-College Application and Scholarship searches
-Self awareness, Self Discipline
-Self Worth and Self Value
-Goal Setting
And the other stuff.
It is suggested that mentoring be done for 4weeks, 6weeks, 8weeks to ensure that your tween, teen, or young adult has time to associate, discover and make informed decisions.
(This is our Signature Training perfect for all individuals, everyone of all ages will leave this training empowered for greater change that involves only you) (4-8 wk program designed to teach “The SIX ELEMENTS of CHANGE” which encourages and enriches Self Awareness, Value and Worth.)
(4-8 wk program designed to teach
young people what to do and how to do things for themselves when in transition of one stage and preparing for a new stage in life. Perfect for Juniors and Seniors.)
(4wk & 8wk program designed to teach, the concept of Waiting and Being Ready for
what is Next? How do you wait, what do you do while you wait?) Option for an Abstinence program via Why Not Wait
(5-7 wk program designed to teach, Proper, Positive & Progressive Choices)
(5-7 wk program designed to teach individuals how use the tools and knowledge they have acquired to build their bridge of purpose and ability to cross over.)
(3-6 wk program designed to teach individuals how to shake it off “what ever the issue is” and step up to get out of the hole). Example issues: bulling, loneliness, fear, anger, and much more
Leadership (6-16 wk program designed to teach, Leadership skills in the classroom and beyond.
(3-6wk program designed to teach the Key to Power is Knowledge, how to obtain it, how to go after it and where to get it.)
This 4 week class is specific to the family, with the many adjustments and new encounters of the day, families are moved in many different directions. This course is for the entire family from Kindergarten to young adult, moms, dads and your children. Grand Parents in the home bring them to. Course is designed to bring the family together with better communication, understanding all while adapting to change. Technology is not the only things changing, your family is changing. Bring your family for a power packed 4 weeks 2hr sessions.
(If you have a specific topic of concern you would like taught, we can create a curriculum tailored just for your group, school or program.)
4-6week course created to aid in preparation and choices in choosing college, a job and pursuing a career. Every young person should explore options that best suits them. This course comes packed with real world experience and knowledge.
We would love to hear from you or develop a training class for youth or youth group.
Monday - Friday: 9am - 9pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: Closed
Shemetris completed her Masters of Business in 2016
Completing a Masters Degree without disability services and obtaining a 4.0 GPA. Shemetris understands and knows the school struggle all to well. She was diagnose with a learning disability late in life and struggled through out her school years to keep up and obtain passing grades. With a "What ever it takes attitude" Shemetris kept going after many failed attempts and found success in the struggle.
Shemetris truly enjoys the trill of life, whether it is the amusement park and roller coasters or sky diving. You will find that Shemetris enjoys being out doors and is a true thrill seeker. On a slow day you can find Shemetris in the park on on the golf course.